
Track, trace and prove

Monitor and manage any type of asset, equipment or product both onsite and offsite

A simple solution to track an asset throughout its lifecycle

With real-time geolocation covering all onsite and offsite areas of your business






What types of assets?

A finished product, a component

An item of equipment, a machine, an industrial process

A contract, a document

A person, a business, a supplier

A pallet, a vehicle

How does it work?

Asset digitalization

in one click via the Ineso mobile application after ≠adding a physical tag to the asset

QR Code

NFC tag

RFID tag

Wirepas tag

Mapped asset localization

via mobile app GPS coordinates or geolocation service

Online asset identification

with access to field information in one scan (local link service)

  • Product sheet
  • Geolocation history
  • Lifecycle history (PLM)
  • E-learning
  • Related regulatory documents


Make a product serviceable

Real-time inventory update

Automatic cycle monitoring (product and processes)

Regulatory monitoring

Assets management and e-maintenance

Automatic and tracked exchanges


Plan and flow digitalization

Maintenance event statements

Certified digital signature

Local Link - Simplified interface for information and remote control

Possible integration with existing geolocation systems

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